A STADIUM IN SAO PAULO where some popular matches are played, between clubs like Santos,Corinthians, Palmeiras & Sao Paulo

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Please do read this one, took weeks to complete this :D Happy Reading :)

.-How are you going to know what a dream is...if you've never completed one.

.-How are you going to know what an adventure is...if you never undertook one.

.-How are you going to know what anguish is...if you never told your family and friends "see you soon"
with your eyes full of tears.

.-How are you going to know what desperation is...if you never arrived in a place, alone, without understanding anything the others were saying

.-How are you going to know what it means to miss someone...if you've never been away from home

.-How are you going to know what diversity is...if you've never shared under the same roof with people from all over the world

.-How are you going toknow what tolerance is...if you've never had to get used to something different, even if you don't like it.

.-How are you going to know what independence is...if you've never had to make decisions for yourself.

.-How are you going to know what it means to grow...if you never quit being a child to start in a new

.-How are you going to know what disability is...if you've never had to urge to hug someone, but the
computer screen got in your way

.-How are you going to know what distance is...if you've never looked at a map and said "Wow, I'm far"

.-How are you going to know what a language is...if youve never had to learn one to make friends

.-How are you going to know what patriotism is...if you've never shouted "I love my country" holding a flag in the hand.

.-How are you going to know what a party is...if you've never traveled hours to go to one

.-How are you going to know what true reality is...if you've never had the opportunity to see many different ones so you can create your own.

.-How are you going to know what an opportunity is...if you've never taken advantage of one

.-How are you going to know what pride is...if you never felt it for yourself when you realize what you've accomplished.

.-How are you going to know what it means to seize the moment...if you've never seen how time passed through your hands with great strides

.-How are you going to know what a friend is...if the circumstances never taught you which ones are real

.-How are you going to know what a family is...if you've never had one that supported you unconditionally

.-How are you going to know what your boundaries are...if you've never passed them to see what lies beyond.

.-How are you going to know what money is...if you never had to manage it to get along.

.-How are you going to know what imagination is...if you've never thought about the moment you get back home

.-How are you going to know what the world is...if you never were an EXCHANGE STUDENT

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