A STADIUM IN SAO PAULO where some popular matches are played, between clubs like Santos,Corinthians, Palmeiras & Sao Paulo

Friday, September 16, 2011

Specially for my Mom...

This one’s for you ma:-
Today Jalpa was coming again to Registro to spend the weekend. My domestic worker did not turn up, so after school Leonardo, my host mom and me went to RESKILO for lunch. On the way back my mom told Leonardo and me to clean the house, make our respective beds, clean the kitchen and bathroom. In front of my mom my brother agreed, but as we entered he sat on the computer and I also forgot as my friend Marcio had come home. We played some soccer and did time pass. Marcio then asked me if I would like to go with him where he worked, I called up my mom and told her that I’ll be back in an hour as we had to then go to pick up Jalpa. I told my brother to wash the dishes and the bathroom and I would keep the dishes in place and clean my room, but my brother being stubborn told me to clean the full kitchen!!

I left home angrily as he rules a lot when there is no one around. After about one and a half hour when I came back he was not at home and he had spoilt my bed which I made before I left, I got really angry at him. I made my bed again, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and the main is “I CLEANED THE PLATES” . Even I don’t believe that but I actually the house including the rest room!!

I am really very happy and proud of myself as I would have never done all this if I would have been in India…
And I am sure that everybody who knows me closely will be proud of me when they read this!! :D

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