A STADIUM IN SAO PAULO where some popular matches are played, between clubs like Santos,Corinthians, Palmeiras & Sao Paulo

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nordeste Nov-Dez 2011.

       Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Writing my monthly report for December, I know its late but was on my trip so couldn’t write it earlier.
I had gone for my first Rotary Trip, it was for 27 days from 20th November to 24th December , visited the full North-East part of the Brazil, including  the famous Cities like, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Bahia, Natal, and also the capital city Brasilia. Visited the Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, which was the best thing that could happen.
The trip was really exciting as it had 105 Exchange Students from 22 different countries. Met everyone for the first time, as didn’t know anybody. Stayed with them for 27 days, made new friends, exchanged cards and pins. Represented India in the “Talent Show” where I wore Indian clothes and PROUDLY sung the NATIONAL ANTHEM.
The most exciting I found was the “FAVELAS” commonly known as slums in English, the tour guide said that there were many brasilians also who haven’t entered the favelas as they are scared. He said that one month before the favelas were safe as the drug dealers protected it, and today after one month it is safe because the police are there. He said that 15 – 20 years back even the police were scared to enter as the drug dealers had more powerful and better armaments, so the police force used to go early morning hide in a place and in the night used to encounter and used to leave, but now that the police force has improved with the help of the government they have dominated the place. We were also taken to the place were “fast and furious 5 (fast 5) ” was filmed in the favelas. Also Rio de Janeiro has the two most famous beaches of Brazil, and one of them is the “The Copacabana Beach” where most of the parts of movie “Dhoom 2” was filmed.  And also the state Bahia and city Salvador are the cities for which Capoeira is famous, I also did Capoeira the Capoeira people who had come to show us what is capoeira, feels good when you have 100’s of people cheering you and doing Capoeira a Brazilian sport with the Brazilians. Also visited the worlds biggest cashew tree. In Brasilia we were taken to the “Congress Meeting Hall and the Parliament House and also were the President Meeting room, where she conducts her Important meetings, We also saw the Presidents House.” Felt great to visit these sites.
Also just wanted to tell you this that the Capital city Brasilia is a city which was planned by an architect who lives in Rio, he planned the full city by airplane and was made accordingly, hence they call Brasilia “a Planned City”.
Over all it was a good experience as now I am rich with foreign friends and its always good to socialize.
And talking about the preparation of Christmas, the whole city is lighted up, people are going mad behind shopping, they have taken holiday from work only for the preparation of Christmas.
Don’t have much to write as the whole month was on the trip, but surely in January will have a lot to write as will experience my first SUMMER CHRISTMAS.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finally a post after a really long time...

Yes! A post after a really long time, as getting busy with new friends, rotary projects and helping my Host Mother!!
Went travelling to near by cities, Cananeia, Parisquera-Acu, Jacupiranga, Santos, Sao Paulo & Taubate (:
visited my parents family in Taubate, really good pople enjoyed a lot with them, really liking here.

For now nothing more to write, will post soon.
bjos :*

Friday, September 16, 2011

Specially for my Mom...

This one’s for you ma:-
Today Jalpa was coming again to Registro to spend the weekend. My domestic worker did not turn up, so after school Leonardo, my host mom and me went to RESKILO for lunch. On the way back my mom told Leonardo and me to clean the house, make our respective beds, clean the kitchen and bathroom. In front of my mom my brother agreed, but as we entered he sat on the computer and I also forgot as my friend Marcio had come home. We played some soccer and did time pass. Marcio then asked me if I would like to go with him where he worked, I called up my mom and told her that I’ll be back in an hour as we had to then go to pick up Jalpa. I told my brother to wash the dishes and the bathroom and I would keep the dishes in place and clean my room, but my brother being stubborn told me to clean the full kitchen!!

I left home angrily as he rules a lot when there is no one around. After about one and a half hour when I came back he was not at home and he had spoilt my bed which I made before I left, I got really angry at him. I made my bed again, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and the main is “I CLEANED THE PLATES” . Even I don’t believe that but I actually the house including the rest room!!

I am really very happy and proud of myself as I would have never done all this if I would have been in India…
And I am sure that everybody who knows me closely will be proud of me when they read this!! :D

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Capoeira Class :D

Capoeira Class :-
Ah finally, the Rotary found Capoeira classes for us (an Australian Exchange ,Yuri & me :P), it was good, it was from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Four and a half hours of capoeira it was tiring. At the end of the day I couldn’t walk. The professor of capoeira was good, he dropped us back, and also invited us to watch the Senior Class, he spoke to Ricardo that as it is late he will pick us up & drop us back!! Below is a small introduction about capoeira, for who those who are new to this term :-
Capoeira (Portuguese pronunciation: [kapuˈejɾɐ]) is a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts,sports, and music. It was created in Brazil mainly by descendants of African slaves with Brazilian native influences, probably beginning in the 16th century. It is known by quick and complex moves, using mainly power kicks and quick leg sweeps, with some ground and aerial acrobatics, knee strikes, take-downs, elbow strikes, punches and headbutts.
In martial arts the best or the master in other words where’s a “BLACK BELT” but in capoeira the master where’s a “WHITE BELT” which signifies that he is INVISIBLE.
Capoeira is really fun and exciting, and this is all I can say, the next class is tomorrow. 

This is the blog of my Capoeira Classes :-

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A weekend spent at a friends house.

This weekend was really good, I enjoyed a lot! I was supposed to go to Sao Paulo to watch a Santos match but it got cancelled and even my host brother Leonardo was not in town, he had gone to Sao Paulo for some school picnic so I was bored alone at home. My host mothers friend Nilton, took me out for lunch and invited me for dinner at his place.
Around 20:00 hours my Host parents dropped me at his house, he also had his neighbours at his home for dinner, he introduced me to them, clicked some photos, it was good meeting new people, I like it as the whole point of this exchange is meet new and different people!
Had dinner, he had made a very good dessert, it was strawberry, custard, jelly and whip cream with strawberry pieces on top, it was very yummy :P
He asked me if I would like to stay at his, I didn’t mind so he spoke to my mum and she said yes! We were watching a movie “NEVER LET ME GO”, it was a very nice and touching movie!!
Then i finally slept at 2, I was very tired….

The next day (i.e. today :P) I got up at 10, met his niece and nephew, his sister and his mother, they all are very good and polite.
He dropped me back home at 3, I slept for a while and then did a little time pass on  my notebook.
This was my weekend, I enjoyed a lot.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Food found in Brasil

The food:-
This is the first thing which everybody wants to know before they go to any place.
People who are planning to visit brasil, be prepared for the following:-
-          All kinds of meat.
-          Chicken
-          Fish
-          Rice
-          Beans
-          Potato

They love eating meat, its like in their every meal meat is there. They also have barbeques in each and every house, as it is very popular here. Every Sunday they have a barbeque party, with some music, beer, bbq & guarana.
I being a vegetarian only had Rice and Beans with salad (i.e. cucumber, carrots and tomatoes) and potato fries!
But it is not a problem as they have rice and beans equally. The one more important thing I noticed was they put olive oil in everything pizza, salad, bread and in every meal which is possible.

They have different kind cheese:-

§  Minas (a. k. a. "Queijo Minas Padrão", "Queijo Frescal" and "Queijo Curado")
§  Coalho
§  Prato
 They have pieces of raw cheese sometimes with in their dinner.

Another popular thing is Pastel with sugarcane juice. They hog on Pastel and sugarcane juice, they have stalls of this in the weekly market.
Pastel is nothing but bhatura( popular with the Indians) with meat, cheese, pizza filling, and different flavours in a rectangle shape.

Below are the photos of different kind of "QUEIJO"( cheese) and Pastel :-

It is really tasty :D

The Great Brasilian SAMBA

Samba is a lively, rhythmical dance of Brazilian origin in 2/4 time danced under the Samba music. However, there are three steps to every bar, making the Samba feel like a 3/4 timed dance. Its origins include the Maxixe.

The Samba music rhythm has been danced in Brazil since its inception in the late 19th century. There is actually a set of dances, rather than a single dance, that define the Samba dancing scene in Brazil; thus, no one dance can be claimed with certainty as the "original" Samba style.

Brasilian Music

The music that I have heard till now is very good, they have really good wordings.
In every Rotary Meetings when we break for food, they have the Brasilian songs on, I really feel very calm and good after listening to it.
They have a perfect combination, from the lyrics to the music, the beats.
It is a perfect for dancing, singing and for being calm.

My friends in my school made me sing one of the famous song “nossa”, in the class ( it was quite embarrassing :$) :P

Finally think of writing a blog...

Yeah i finally start writing my blog, actually my first blog, please don't judge me by my writing as i am not a good writer my Friends and Family know that :P
My host mother always told me to write a blog in my free time rather playing “Crime City” on facebook :P, I found it boring to write, as mentioned above I don’t like reading or writing.
Then I thought that many other exchangers have a blog so why not give it a try.
There I am, writing a blog.

My Host Country and Sponsoring Club:-

My Sponsoring Club,  Rotary Club of Bombay Juhu Beach, District 3140.
Host Country, the Country known for its Samba, the Carnaval & the most for its SOCCER(I guess you already know it :P), BRASIL!!
My Host Club, Rotary Club de Registro-Ouro, District 4610.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some poems written in the free time

A poem on My School.


Its just Twenty days man, don't know became friends when,
Friends that help in Portuguese and also act like bitches!!

The Football and Volleyball that we played in breaks, and the fun that we did like freaks,
The teasing and pulling legs, giving funny names and tags!!

The Fights we did for fun, never fought seriously even in fun.
Also received love and care, and gave love to make it fair!!

I am gonna miss the time in Escola, and the times we said ola,
Will miss you guys a lot, as my stay in Brasil is very short!!

Monday, August 29, 2011


                                                                 The moment I arrived,
                                                                 was welcomed with cheers,
                                                                 All smiley faces with,
                                                                 laughter roars in my ears.

                                                                 As the days went by,
                                                                 started meeting new people,
                                                                 All seemed so caring,
                                                                 all are so sweet and wise.

                                                                 Started loving Registro,
                                                                 and forgot my land,
                                                                 Loved the people like loca,
                                                                 Seems like fairy waved its wand!

                                                                 The fun in school,
                                                                 the cards,the magazines & soccer played together,
                                                                 and the dinners and late night milk shakes,
                                                                 enjoying the walk and the weather.