A STADIUM IN SAO PAULO where some popular matches are played, between clubs like Santos,Corinthians, Palmeiras & Sao Paulo

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Currently i am visiting a friend of mine who is from Denmark, i met her on my Amazon Trip.
she is really sweet and caring, she lives in the south, her city has the finest soil for agriculture in the whole of Brasil.
i am here since two day and leaving for SP for my final documentation getting stamped from the Indian Consulate, validating my one here which i completed here in Brasil,

Time to say Good-Bye

Here i am, exactly two weeks left before i go back to my land, India.
I dont know how i feel, i am just so confused, as i have mixed feelings.
i want to go back as well as stay here in Brasil forever...
but as my host sister said, if i have to live in Brasil i have to live like a Brasilian, and a Brasilian life is not easy.
right now im living life of an exchange student, which is easy, i dont have to study or work..
but if i live here, i have to live like i am one of them.
so i am really confused, as i am excited to go back & and at the sasme time i dont wanna leave Brasil.
Brasil was my land of dreams.